Configure the Forcepoint ONE Data Security fallback mode

The fallback mode is used when Forcepoint ONE Data Security cannot connect to either the cloud proxy for the proxy connect mode or the disposition server for the direct connect mode.

The fallback mode is configured in the web policy on the Cloud Security Gateway portal. The connection mode is set per policy and different policies can have different connection modes. For more information, see the Endpoint tab topic in the Forcepoint Cloud Security Gateway Portal Help available on the Forcepoint support website.


  1. Sign in to the Forcepoint Cloud Security Gateway portal.
  2. Go to Web > Policy Management > Policies.
  3. In the Policies section, click a Policy Name to edit the policy.
  4. Go to the Endpoints tab.
  5. Under Forcepoint ONE Data Security Configuration, select the fallback mode:
    • Open: Web traffic bypasses Forcepoint ONE Data Security and goes directly to the Internet. In Open fallback mode, Forcepoint ONE Data Security is not providing any monitoring or protection of your organization’s web traffic. All attempts to access the Internet are allowed.
    • Closed: Forcepoint ONE Data Security stops all web traffic from accessing the Internet. All attempts to access the Internet are blocked.
    • Safe: Forcepoint ONE Data Security blocks or allows web traffic based on web policies cached on the local endpoint. This option is not available if the connection mode is set to Proxy Connect.
  6. Click Save.