CAD Classifier for AutoCAD
Boldon James
March 2019
Boldon James CAD Classifier for AutoCAD enhances the Autodesk AutoCAD suite
of products to provide support for document protective marking. It
supports the labelling of DWG and DXF documents.
This product provides various features including the
ability for users to select a Label value which may be applied as a combination
of Visual Markings, and/or metadata to AutoCAD documents, as defined by an overarching Classifier Configuration.
CAD Classifier for AutoCAD is administrator-configurable and
enables control over labelling of documents, and under what
circumstances prompts or events are triggered.
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2.1 Hardware
2.2 Operating System
- Microsoft Windows Vista or later
2.3 AutoCAD
- AutoCAD versions 2007 to 2019
2.5 Pre-requisites
- .NET 3.5 framework
- .NET 4.0 framework
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Before Installation
- Users must be logged on with administrator privileges.
- Users must first uninstall any previous versions of CAD Classifier for
- Close down all AutoCAD applications
- Close down any running Microsoft Office applications. (Otherwise you will
get a spurious messagebox during installation saying those applications must be
restarted. This messagebox can be ignored.)
- Depending on whether your version of AutoCAD is a 32-bit or 64-bit installation, run
the appropriate "setup.exe" from the installation media. This will launch the
Windows Installer. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Silent Installation
The software can be installed without displaying a user interface. This is
possible using command line options. For example:-
msiexec /i "CADClassifierForAutoCAD-32bit.msi" /qn
To un-install follow these simple steps:
- Close down all AutoCAD applications.
- Navigate to 'Control Panel' > 'Programs and Features'. The entry
"Boldon James CAD Classifier" appears in the list of installed programs. Select
it and click 'un-install'. Confirm this operation when prompted and the product
will be removed.
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Integration with File Classifier, Power Classifier and Outlook
- CAD Classifier for AutoCAD can recognise files with the extension 'DWG' or 'DXF'.
- In order for File Classifier, Power Classifier or Outlook to recognise DWG
or DXF files, you must
modify the DocumentLabeller2.xml file in your Classifier Configuration, as
described below.
- A file named AutoCADPlugin.xml is supplied as part of the installation (it
is installed into the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Boldon James\Classifier\Plugins2-NET40
folder); you
must add the content of this file to the DocLabeller2.xml file, immediately
prior to the section of text '</DocTypeConfigs>'. Alternatively, if you have not
made any custom changes to the DocLabeller2.xml file, your Classifier
Administrator could simply override the version of that file in the "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Boldon
James\Configuration\Label Configurations\BJ\Plugins" folder with the version
supplied in the CAD Classifier installation folder. The Classifier Administrator
should then publish that configuration, and CAD Classifier users should then
automatically pick it up next time they start AutoCAD.
- This same change must be done if you use Classifier
'high-water-mark' rules in Outlook ; without this configuration change, any
labelled AutoCAD drawings attached to emails will not be recognised, and thus
would not be checked.
- CAD Classifier utilises 'user defined fields' within the
PLOTSTAMP command to display labelling information when documents are printed.
- Power Classifier and File Classifier can read labels from 'DWG' and
'DXF' files, but they cannot write labels to them.
- File Classifier and Power Classifier do not support DWG file formats prior to 2004.
- It is not possible to configure an alternative location to hold the Classifier
label in the drawing document. It is always stored in the bjDocumentLabelXML
custom document property.
- The following limitations apply to rules:
- Footers are not supported. You should use the Headers rule to configure labels on drawings.
- For Headers, the Prefix/suffix concept is not supported; the
position is fixed by AutoCAD, depending on what other options are selected
within the PLOTSTAMP settings.
Also, we cannot differentiate between first/subsequent page, and odd/even pages.
so all pages will get the same header.
- If the marking format associated with the header rule consists of
multiple lines, it will be truncated to only display the content of the
first line in the PLOTSTAMP output.
- RMS policy rules are not supported.
- Content checking rules are not supported.
- Default label check rule is not supported; this rule only applies to new
documents, and by the time the rule is applied, when the drawing is saved, CAD
Classifier cannot identify that it is 'new'.
- The following AutoCAD document properties are supported for labelling: Author,
Comments (synomymous with Description), Subject, Title, Keywords, and Filename
(though note that the Filename property is read-only).
The other options presented by the Classifier Admin Tool rules wizard, namely,
Category, Company, Manager, and Status, are ignored by CAD Classifier.
- Labelling information will only be displayed on drawings provided that the user
has not modified any of the PLOTSTAMP settings by using the PLOTSTAMP dialog
available from the PLOT command dialog for that particular printed drawing.
4.1 AutoCAD 2016 special requirements for signed addins
If you are installing CAD Classifier for AutoCAD for
use with AutoCAD 2016, then if you install to the default installation
folder, you will get a 'File Loading - Trust This Publisher' dialog
displayed when you start up AutoCAD warning you that a signed
executable file (in this case, BJAutoCADAddin.dll) was found outside of the
trusted locations.
To avoid this, you can either install CAD Classifier for AutoCAD to one of
the AutoCAD trusted locations, e.g. "C:\Program
Files\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins", or you can click on the 'Always trust
applications from Boldon James Limited' checkbox on the warning dialog,
which will have the effect of adding the Boldon James certificate to your
Trusted Publishers certificate store.
4.2 AutoCAD Mechanical 2017 requirement
If you are installing CAD Classifier for AutoCAD for
use with AutoCAD Mechanical 2017, ensure that you have installed Service
Pack 1 for that product, to avoid issues when policy check rules fire to
cancel drawing Save operations.
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The main product suite documentation is installed with the Classifier Administration Console.
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6.1 CAD Classifier for AutoCAD 3.8.4
- Improvements to Classifier UI behaviour when saving/closing files
(00004778, 00004808)
6.2 CAD Classifier for AutoCAD 3.8.3
- Classifier policy rules are applied when drawings are closed, and when
AutoCAD is quitted. If there are modified drawings open when quit is
invoked, the user is prompted to save/close those drawings first before the
quit operation will complete (00002147).
- The CAD Plugins have been updated to support the AutoCAD 2018 DWG
file format (00003526)
6.3 CAD Classifier for AutoCAD 3.8.2
- A compatibility issue with the AutoCAD Mechanical 2013 export to PDF
operation has been fixed (CSD 028705)
6.4 CAD Classifier for AutoCAD 3.8.1
- AutoCAD document properties affected by Classifier rules are
re-applied whenever the document is saved (CSD 027481)
6.5 CAD Classifier for AutoCAD 3.8.0
- This is the first full release.
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All contact with Boldon James regarding this product should be directed to:
Electronic mail
Postal address
(support desk)
(general enquiries)
(sales team)
+44(0) 1270 507810
+44(0) 1270 507801
+44(0) 1270 507800
(general and sales enquiries)
Boldon James Ltd,
1 Westmere Court,
Westmere Drive,
The support services available are as defined in the current support agreement.
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