Boldon James Classifier Reporting Console
Boldon James
May 2021
The Boldon James Classifier Reporting Console displays the data dashboards and reports
for data in the Classifier Reporting Database. The Reporting Console should be installed after the Classifier Reporting
Services has been installed and after the Classifier Reporting Database has been created. See the Reporting Services Guide for
more details of installing and configuring the Classifier Reporting Services.
Typically you would install the Classifier Reporting Console onto one or more
clients that have access to the Classifier Reporting Database.
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2.1 Hardware
2.2 Operating System
2.3 Pre-requisites
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1
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Before Installation
- Read the
Reporting Console
Guide to understand the full configuration options.
- Administrator privileges are needed to install the Classifier Reporting
- If you have installed a previous version of Classifier Reporting
Console, uninstall that version. If you have made any modifications to any
of the reports or dashboards from the version you are uninstalling and you
wish to save your modifications, you should copy the modified report or
dashboard files to a another directory before uninstalling.
- Run "Classifier Reporting Console.exe" from the installation media which will launch the
Windows Installer and follow the on screen instructions.
- Navigate to 'Control Panel' > 'Programs and Features'. The entry Boldon
James Classifier Reporting Console appears in the list of installed
programs. Select it and click 'Uninstall'. Confirm this operation when
prompted and the product will be removed.
- If you experience problems uninstalling the Classifier Reporting Console
on Windows 10 using the 'Applications and Features' tool, it is recommended
that you uninstall via the 'Control Panel' > 'Programs and Features' as
discussed above.
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4.1 Classifier Reporting Console 2.1.0
- The drill-down user interaction on charts in the following dashboards
has been increased from 3 selectors to 5 selectors. See the
Reporting Console Guide for details of how the drill-down can be further
increased from 5 to 10 selectors (CSD 00005318).
- The
Reporting Console Guide explains how pre-defined SQL connection strings
can be added to the Simple Report Editor (CSD 00006577).
- All user names are displayed in lower case characters so that if a
username contains upper case characters in some events and lower case
characters in other events, they are not displayed as different users in
reports. This only applies to usernames read into the database from Version
2.1.0 onwards. (CSD 00010704).
4.2 Classifier Reporting Console 2.0.0
- All the dashboards and reports use stored procedures located in the
Classifier Events Database.
- Events generated by Classifier for Libre Office are included in the
dashboards and reports.
4.3 Classifier Reporting Console 1.4.1
- The User Diagnostic report has been amended by the addition of a 'First
error time' column and colour coding the 'Days since last error column'.
- The 'User responses to Classifier challenges' report has been updated
and includes details such as the message or document's classification,
application and the user's department. The previous version of this report
is still included in the release, see the
Reporting Console Guide for more details.
- A new 'Classifier version' report has been added that details the
Classifier products installed on user's machines in an organisation. (CSD
- A description has been added to the title of the 'Classifier user
deployment' report.
4.4 Classifier Reporting Console 1.4.0
- Two Group Policy templates are supplied to allow remote configuration of
the Reporting Console, see the
Reporting Console Guide for more details.
- Two new reports, "AD Service Status" and "Event Log Service Status" have
been added to help administrators monitor the Classifier Reporting services, see the
Reporting Console Guide for more details.
- Two new reports, "Classifier User Deployment" and "Classifier User
Diagnostic" have been added to help administrators monitor classifier
deployment, see the
Reporting Console Guide for more details.
- A new dashboard "File classifier labelled documents" and report "File
classifier labelled documents" have been added to show details of files
labelled by the File Classifier, see the
Reporting Console Guide for more details.
- The "Classification Summary" dashboard has been enhanced to include
details of labels applied to documents by the File Classifier.
- The "Marking activity over the last 7 and 30 days" report has been
renamed "Unclassified activity over the last 7 and 30 days".
- SQL Server's Dynamic Data Masking feature is used to mask sensitive data. This feature is only supported in SQL
Server 2016 and later versions. See the
Reporting Console Guide for more details.
- SQL connection editor dialog now supports custom SQL connection strings.
- The "Email Classification Change" and "Document Classification Change" reports
now show correct total figures and all relevant classification changes
- The Refresh button has been removed from the Console. See the
Known Limitations section for more
details (00004340)
- The Console uses DevExpress version 18.2.5.
4.5 Classifier Reporting Console 1.3.0
- A new set of reports including detailed user and document classifier
activity reports and 7/30 day summary reports have been included. See the
Reporting Console Guide for more details.
- The console contains a new Document label downgrade dashboard.
- All reports provided in previous versions of this release are still included in the release but are not displayed by the Console. See the
Reporting Console Guide for more details.
- The default time period on all the dashboards and reports have been changed from 7 to 28 days.
4.6 Classifier Reporting Console 1.2.2
- The Console now encrypts the SQLConnectionString in the registry if it contains a password (00002429)
- Console performance has been improved by performing fewer SQL queries and by optimising the SQL queries it does perform.
4.7 Classifier Reporting Console 1.2.1
- Heatmap dashboard results are now updated when date parameters are changed (00000714).
- Results are now updated when the date parameter on sent email by classification are changed (00000715 and 00001774).
- Report date periods now start at midnight on the start date. If the
report's end date is the current day the report period ends at the current
time. If the report's end date is on a day before the current date, the
report ends at 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds on the report's end day (00001774).
- Reports now use %, instead of * as the wild card character.
- When a report is saved an appropriate name is provided for the exported file.
- When a report is selected, the data is automatically displayed so the
user does not need to press the Submit button. The user will have to press
the Submit button to re-display the data if they change any of the report's
- The timeouts on the SQL queries performed on the dashboards have been
increased from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.
- The default time period on all the dashboards and reports have been
changed from 365 days (the previous year) to 7 days (the previous week).
4.8 Classifier Reporting Console 1.2.0
- Event labels are now parsed into selector values by the Event Log
Service and the selector values are stored in Classifier Reporting Database tables. This enables
the Classifier Reporting Console to provide "drill-down" type user
interactions on its dashboards.
- New Heatmap and Classification Labels Issue dashboards have been added
to the Classifier Reporting Console.
- Sharepoint Classifier and Suggested Classifications events are now
stored in the Classifier Reporting Database and displayed in dashboards.
- New Reports showing email and document label changes have been added to
the Classifier Reporting Console.
- A Classifier Reporting Database Migration Wizard has been added to migrate the data written
to the Classifier Reporting Database by earlier releases of Classifier Reporting Service.
- The Sample Event Generator program has been updated to use labels from
your published Classification Configuration
4.9 Classifier Reporting Console 1.1.0
- To improve performance the Classifier Reporting Console now uses SQL
indices created in the Classifier Reporting Database.
- To improve the security the Classifier Reporting Console now uses SQL
views added to the Classifier Reporting database, SQL views have been added so
that SELECT privilege does not have to be granted to Users to run the
Classifier Reporting Console.
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Reporting Console Guide
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6.1 Supported Applications
The following Classifier applications are supported in this release.
- Email and Office Classifier
- Outlook
- Word
- Excel
- PowerPoint
- Project
- Visio
- File Classifier
- Classifier Management Agent
- Notes Classifier
- CAD Classifier
- OWA Classifier 2010
- Sharepoint Classifier
- Box Classifier
- Classifier for LibreOffice
6.2 Unsupported Application Events
If new Windows Events are introduced by Classifier Applications that are
upgraded after the Classifier Reporting Services is installed, the new Windows
Events will be stored in the Classifier Reporting Database but will be not be processed and displayed
in the Classifier Reporting Console until Boldon James issues an update to the
Classifier Reporting Database.
6.3 Known Limitations
- It is recommended that the Console be viewed on displays with a screen
resolution of 1152x864 or higher.
- Graphical elements in reports such as pie or bar charts are not included
in reports exported in text formats such as CSV and Plain Text.
- When a report is exported in XLS or XLSX formats, the report's
header background picture may be displayed in front of the report's header
- The refresh button has been removed from the Console. The currently displayed dashboard
can be refreshed by using the 'Dashboard Parameters' dialog.
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All contact with Boldon James regarding this product should be directed to:
The support services available are as defined in the current support agreement.
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