Management portal improvements

Added 14-July-2021 This release adds usability enhancements to the management portal, including updates to the appearance and functionality of the Executive overview, Investigation, and Endpoint management dashboards.

Changes to the Executive overview include:

  • The time filter was updated to include options for the past 30 days, past 7 days, and past 24 hours.
  • The following new widgets were added:
    • The Data movement widget shows the channels and destinations from your users' activities.
    • The Detected behaviors widget shows the top matched rules and can be filtered based on reporting product (DLP or Neo), categories, and noisy rules.
  • The Top risky users widget can now show the top risky users for a selected day.
Changes to the Investigation dashboard include:
  • A User insights pane, which allows analysts to specify a time frame to view an overview of the user's activities, including risk levels, IoBs, and data movement over time.
  • An Alert details pane, which contains additional information from the anomaly detection engine, such as associated forensics and details about the classification and related classifiers. You can now drill down on specific events for more context.
Changes to the Endpoint management dashboard include:
  • The ability to filter the dashboard by columns, such as Neo status or operating system.
  • A new column filter for Web control connection, allowing you to view the connection mode for your endpoints (PCEP or DCEP).