Enable or disable over the air updates

Enable over the air updates for Neo so that all of your managed endpoints are updated to the latest Neo version or to a specific Neo version. If you prefer to update your endpoints on demand or manually, then you can disable over the air updates.

Updates are enabled (turned ON) by default. Use the Settings > Over the air updates page to enable or disable updates.


  1. Go to Settings > Over the air updates.
  2. Enable the toggle button based on platform:
    • For Windows endpoints:
      • If the toggle is on the left, automatic updates are OFF
      • If the toggle is on the right, automatic updates are ON
    • For macOS endpoints:
      • If the toggle is on the left, automatic updates are OFF
      • If the toggle is on the right, automatic updates are ON
  3. Once over the air updates are tuned on for a platform, administrators can:
    • Enable auto update on endpoints:
      • Select the Auto update to the latest available Neo version. This silently installs the latest Neo version on all the endpoints.
    • Update to a specific Neo version on endpoints:
      • Select specific Neo version from the Update to a specific version.
  4. In the confirmation message box, click OK to confirm your selection.

Next steps

To check the update status, open the Endpoint management page and check the Status column. If the update failed, you can download the log files by clicking the status to open the Details page, then clicking the Download icon.