Overview of Risk-Adaptive DLP

Risk-Adaptive DLP combines the on-premises Forcepoint DLP Endpoint for Forcepoint F1E and the cloud-based Neo endpoint to provide user activity information to both Forcepoint DLP (on-premises) and Forcepoint Dynamic User Protection (cloud).

Risk-Adaptive DLP customers who deploy both Forcepoint DLP and Dynamic User Protection can install Forcepoint DLP Endpoint and Neo on their organizations’ endpoints. You need to download and install both the Forcepoint One Endpoint package builder and Neo, create a new Forcepoint DLP Endpoint installation package in the Forcepoint One Endpoint package builder, install Neo, then install Forcepoint DLP Endpoint on your endpoints.

Note: Risk-Adaptive DLP is only compatible with Forcepoint F1E version 20.12 (Forcepoint DLP or later. If you have deployed an earlier version of Forcepoint DLP Endpoint on the Forcepoint F1E platform, you must upgrade to Forcepoint F1E version 20.12 (Forcepoint DLP or later to successfully integrate Neo with Forcepoint DLP Endpoint.