Managing I Series appliances

When you select I Series Appliances in the left selection pane of the Device Management table, the table displays the following elements for each appliance. Some of these columns are hidden when the right detail pane is expanded.

Item Description

An icon indicating the current status of the appliance, based on connectivity, reported issues, version, and registration status. (A legend explaining these icons is shown below this table.)

If an error or warning icon appears, select the appliance in the table and check the detail pane for more information.

Name Appliance name, specified when an appliance is added or edited.
Description Optional appliance description, specified when an appliance is added or edited.

The folder containing the appliance.

When you drill down into a folder, this column is not displayed. In other views, like All or Specific version(s), if you have created folders, the Folders column is displayed.

Hostname Appliance host name or FQDN, specified on the appliance. If the appliance is not registered, or this information has not been received from the appliance, “N/A” is displayed.
Version The appliance version. If the appliance is not registered, or this information has not been received from the appliance, “N/A” is displayed.

You can filter the list to find specific appliances based on various properties such as the appliance type, version, status or a specified policy. Click a filter name under “I Series Appliances” in the left-hand pane, or select a filter from the drop-down menu above the list.

The available status icons are:

Icon Meaning Icon Meaning
Status OK Warning
Information Error
Filtering disabled or registration incomplete Critical error

The General tab of the right detail pane includes additional information, including:

Item Description
Filtering Indicates whether or not a registered appliance is enabled for managing web traffic.
Connectivity Indicates the state of the Internet connection between the appliance and the cloud portal.
Item Description

In addition to the version number, a message is displayed for versions that have expired or are nearing expiration.

Click the message to see a list of available software updates with release notes for each available update. Select an update and click Download to download the update to the appliance.


Displays the number of issues for the appliance for the past 24 hours, along with an icon indicating the highest severity level represented among the issues.

If the appliance has not generated issues for the past 24 hours, “No issues reported” is displayed.

If any issues exist, click the number of issues to see a list with details of each issue. You can review issues from the last 24 hours (default) or last 7 days.


Indicates whether the appliance is registered or not

If the appliance is not registered, click the Not registered link to get the registration key. Copy the registration key and enter it in the Appliance manager under Configuration > Registration to complete the registration process.

Note that it takes some time for registration status to be updated in the cloud portal after your enter the registration key in the appliance. This delay does not indicate a problem with the registration.

Default policy The name of the default policy for the appliance
Other policies Lists policies other than the default policy (if any) assigned to internal networks defined for this appliance
Last response

Shows the date and time of the latest response from the appliance.

If the appliance is not registered, or has not sent any information to the cloud service, the display is “N/A”.

Uptime Shows the time since the last appliance restart.

The Performance tab of the right detail pane displays 4 charts showing appliance performance over the Last 24 hours (by default). Use the drop-down list at the top of the tab to optionally expand the performance charts to show information for the Last 7 days.

  • Resource Usage
  • Web Traffic (Transactions per second or Bandwidth)
  • Protocol Traffic (Transactions per second or Bandwidth)
  • Session Peaks