The Data Security page provides information on sensitive data and its exposure across different mediums.
The Threat page provides information on malware that is detected in motion or within cloud repositories.
Forcepoint ONE SSE's SmartEdge agent and Cloud SWG can also generate ShadowIT logs for web browsing.
Forcepoint ONE SSE's SmartEdge agent and Cloud SWG can also generate ShadowIT logs for enterprise applications.
Alerts provide quick access to important events and information. The main navigation provides an updated counter of new events as they occur based on user activities by categories.
The CSPM Page will provide visibility into the audit scans of your IaaS systems to surface potentially misconfigured security settings to help you mitigate data loss and ensure you are maintaining compliance with frameworks such as the CIS Benchmark.
Under Analyze > Devices, you can find information about devices utilizing SmartEdge Agents and Device Profiling Agents that are registered with Forcepoint ONE SSE.
The Support section contains links to Admin guide, URL Lookup page, and Forcepoint Customer Hub.