Decrypting files on Windows


  1. Insert the removable device into a Windows laptop or desktop.
  2. Double-click Forcepoint Decryption Utility.exe or wsdecrypt.exe, depending on the Forcepoint DLP Endpoint version installed:
    • Forcepoint Decryption Utility.exe:
      • Decrypts files on a Windows endpoint machine that does not have Forcepoint DLP Endpoint installed.
      • Decrypts files that were encrypted on a Windows endpoint machine with TRITON AP-ENDPOINT v8.3, Forcepoint DLP Endpoint v8.4, or higher.
    • wsdecrypt.exe:
      • Decrypts files that were encrypted on a Windows endpoint machine with TRITON AP-ENDPOINT DLP v8.2.5 or lower installed.
      Note: If you don’t know the version, open Forcepoint Decryption Utility.exe. This utility checks the version and either decrypts the files, or opens wsdecrypt.exe if the version is v8.2.5 or lower.
  3. Enter the encryption password when prompted. For more information about setting the encryption password, see Setting encryption passwords.
    Warning: Keep the encryption password in a safe place. If you forget your password, it cannot be recovered and the file cannot be decrypted.

    A dialog box opens and displays lists of subdirectories and files on your system.

  4. Navigate to the folder containing the encrypted files. By default, the files are on your removable media device.
  5. Select the folders and files to decrypt, right-click, and select Save To.
  6. Select the folder in which to save the decrypted files.
    Note: The Decryption Utility Help page might show an older version (8.5.x) and updated date. This is the latest version of the utility and works with Forcepoint DLP Endpoint v20.12.