How the endpoint and update server communicate

When the endpoint sends a GET request URL to the auto-update server, the URL contains many pre-defined parameters.

For example:

<UpdateServer URL= "" />

GET/update?Bits=64bit&Platform=Windows& LocalVersion=7.6.1218& LocalDSSVersion= WEB=Yes&RF=No&CI=No HTTP/1.1


These parameters provide local information about the endpoint machine. The table below lists the parameters in the GET request URL sent by the endpoint and their description:

Name Type Description
Bits String Type of OS: 32- or 64-bit
Platform String Windows
User String First log on user name
Domain String Domain name
SID String Session ID of the first log on user
LocalVersion String Version number of the local Forcepoint F1E or Forcepoint DLP Endpoint
LocalDSSVersion String Version number of Forcepoint DLP
ProtocolVersion String Protocol version of the proxy server
WSCookie String Data received from the server
DLP String Whether the local machine has Forcepoint DLP Endpoint installed or not: Yes or No
WEB String Whether the local machine has Forcepoint Web Security Endpoint installed or not: Yes or No
RF String Whether the local machine has Remote Filtering Client installed or not: Yes or No
CI String Whether the local machine has the Citrix Integration service installed or not: Yes or No

Similarly, when the auto-update server returns a string in XML-like format, it also includes many pre-defined parameters. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>









The table below provides descriptions of the elements in the XML-like file returned by the auto-update server:

Name Type Description
CurrentVersion String Version number of the designated installation package on server
CurrentDSSVersion String Version number of the designated installation package on the server
CheckSum String MD5 checksum of the designated installation package on the server
URL String The URL of the installation package on server (maximum size: 2K)
IncludeEP String Whether the installation package should include endpoint software or not: Yes or No
IncludeDSS String Whether the installation package should include Forcepoint DLP software or not: Yes or No

Depending on the response of the update server, endpoints can retrieve the install package and install it silently.