Upgrading from a standalone Forcepoint CASB Endpoint installation

If you have an existing, stand-alone Forcepoint CASB Endpoint deployment and want to upgrade to this Forcepoint F1E version, you must uninstall the stand-alone Forcepoint CASB Endpoint agent from your Windows endpoint machines.

To upgrade your existing version of Forcepoint CASB Endpoint:


  1. Uninstall the earlier version of Forcepoint CASB Endpoint to remove all Forcepoint CASB Endpoint files from the endpoint machine.
  2. Restart the endpoint machine.
  3. Download the latest package builder from the Forcepoint Support site:
    1. Log on to the Forcepoint Downloads page.
    2. Go to Endpoint Security > Forcepoint One Endpoint, select a version, and then download the package builder.
  4. Run WebsenseEndpointPackageBuilder.exe to generate a new Forcepoint CASB Endpoint installation package.
  5. Forcepoint CASB Endpoint installation package requires Forcepoint DLP Endpoint, so make sure that Forcepoint DLP Endpoint is checked on the Select Forcepoint One Endpoint Components screen. For more information about configuring Forcepoint DLP Endpoint, see Upgrading Forcepoint DLP Endpoint.
  6. On the Configuration screen, complete the following fields to configure Forcepoint CASB Endpoint:
    • Hostname of the Forcepoint CASB Gateway or load balancer: Enter the name (not the IP address) of your organizational Forcepoint CASB gateway. If you do not know the name of your gateway, open Forcepoint CASB, then go to Settings > Resources > Assets >any asset> Access Mapping. The gateway name is shown under Forcepoint CASB proxy URL.
    • Port: Enter the port number for the organizational Forcepoint CASB gateway. The default is 443.
    • Range of ports available for host-internal communications: Enter the Min and Max values for the range of ports that Forcepoint CASB Endpoint can use for host-internal communications with local client applications.
    • Verification domains: Enter one or more domains to be used in DNS requests to identify if the endpoint machine is on a known, or safe, network. Separate domains with a comma. For example, domain1.com@,domain2.com@
    • CASB certificate file to install: Enter the location, or Browse to the file location, of the certificate file (in .pfx format) to be installed with Forcepoint CASB Endpoint. This certification authenticates Forcepoint CASB Endpoint on the endpoint machine to the Forcepoint CASB server.
    • Certificate password: Enter the password for the certificate file. The password characters are hidden by default. To see the password characters as you type, select Show characters.
  7. Deploy the v21.09 installation package to each endpoint machine using one of the methods described in the Installation and Deployment Guide for Forcepoint F1E.
  8. Restart the endpoint machine after installation is complete.