Configuring Forcepoint Endpoint Context Agent settings in the SMC

These high-level steps provide an overview of the configuration process. For detailed information about configuring the Forcepoint ECA settings in the SMC, see the Integrating Endpoint Context Agent chapter in the Forcepoint Next Generation Firewall Product Guide. This guide is available for download from the Forcepoint Documentation page.


  1. In the Management Client component of the SMC, create a Forcepoint ECA Configuration element that uses the newly created CA.
  2. Enable Forcepoint ECA on the NGFW Engine, and use the newly created Forcepoint ECA Configuration element.
  3. Export the Forcepoint ECA configuration XML file (eca_client_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.xml) from the Engine Editor. This configuration file is added to the installation package through the package builder (see Forcepoint Endpoint Context Agent).

    The configuration file contains the details of all the NGFW Engines that use the same ECA Configuration element. If additional NGFW Engines are added to the configuration, the updated configuration file is automatically sent to the endpoint machines when they connect to the NGFW Engines.