Configure Appliances (post-firstboot)

Setting up a Forcepoint appliance involves 5 key tasks. This topic covers Task 4.

Task 1: Prepare for deployment

Task 2: Setup appliance hardware and virtual appliances

Task 3: Run the firstboot wizard (initial command-line configuration)

Task 4: Configure appliances (post-firstboot)

Task 5: Install off-appliance and optional components

After completing firstboot, finish initial appliance configuration using the command-line interface (CLI). In the CLI you can view system status, configure network and communication settings, and perform general appliance administration tasks. For a complete guide to using the CLI, see the Forcepoint Appliances CLI guide.

Post-firstboot appliance configuration activities include:

  • SSH access to the CLI (optional)
  • Verify firstboot configuration settings
  • Establish a filestore
  • Set an email address for password recovery
  • Configure additional network interfaces
  • Configure routes (if needed)
  • SNMP polling and alerting (optional)