Installing a 10GbE card for the C and N interfaces (V20000 on v8.5.3 and higher)

The V20000 G1 appliance also adds the ability to replace the C and N interfaces with 10GbE fiber ports. This requires the P1/P2 and E1/E2 interfaces to be upgraded to 10GbE fiber ports as well. Like the E1 and E2 upgrade, the existing 1GbE copper C and N interfaces on the appliance will be disabled once the fiber card is installed. Note that the riser that holds the fiber cards for the P1/P2 and E1/E2 interfaces must be removed (see previous section) in order to install the fiber card for the C and N interfaces.

To upgrade the C and N interfaces to use 10GbE fiber ports:


  1. Gently remove the black plastic placeholder next to the ‘RISER 2’ tab.

  2. Remove the vented PCI-E blank from the back of the chassis closest to the power supplies. The new 10GbE dual-port fiber PCI-E card can now be inserted in the empty PCI-E slot next to the power supplies.

  3. Insert the card, replace the black plastic holder, and reinstall the riser unit with the other two 10GbE fiber cards.