Managing appliances

Use the page Appliances > Manage Appliances to review the Forcepoint appliances registered (associated) with this Security Manager, register additional appliances, or unregister an appliance.

The following information is displayed for each registered appliance:

  • IP address for interface C on the appliance
  • Appliance hostname
  • Security mode: Web, Email, or Web and Email
  • Policy source mode (applies only to appliances that include Web Security): full policy source, user directory and filtering, or filtering only
  • Version of Forcepoint software (for example, 8.5.4)
  • Hardware platform (for example, V5000 G3, V10000 G4, or VMwareOVA)
  • Description (can be changed in the CLI with the command “set system host”)
  • Status of Single Sign-On (enabled/disabled)

Click the arrow next to the appliance IP address to expand the appliance information and see these details. Use the buttons Expand All and Collapse All to expand or collapse all appliance information.


Single sign-on is supported when the deployment includes the Security Appliance Manager.

The Security Appliance Manager, which replaces the V-Series Appliance Manager, provides a centralized, graphical management console for all Forcepoint appliances in the deployment.

When you register Forcepoint appliances in the Security Manager, you can configure single sign-on. When you click the Single Sign-On button, a page displays that describes how to manage your appliance using the CLI, and provides access to the Content Gateway Manager if Content Gateway is running on the appliance.

  • To register an appliance with the Security Manager, see Registering an appliance.
  • To configure an existing appliance (for example, an appliance upgraded from a previous version) for single sign-on, see Configuring an existing appliance for single sign-on.
  • To access an appliance that is not configured for single sign-on, click the appliance’s IP address. This opens a logon page in a new browser.