Changing backup settings

Before you begin

When the first infrastructure backup is run, an EIPBackup directory is created to contain the date-stamped folders for each set of backup files. By default, this directory is created in C:\. You can change this location, and also define how many old backups are kept in the backup directory.

To change the settings for the backup files:


  1. On the Forcepoint management server, navigate to the directory C:\Program Files (X86)\Websense\EIP Infra.
  2. Open EIPBackup.xml in a text editor such as Notepad.
    This file contains the following parameters:
    Parameter Description

    The number of old backups to store in the backup directory. Defaults to 5.


    The location of the EIPBackup directory. Defaults to C:\.


    Only required if the <PATH> parameter is set to access a remote machine and you need to supply credentials in the form domain\user to write to the location. Leave this field blank if you have defined a path on the local machine, or if you have entered credentials in <USER_NAME>.


    Only required if the <PATH> parameter is set to access a remote machine and you need to supply a user name to write to the location. Leave this field blank if you have defined a path on the local machine, or if you have entered credentials in <DOMAIN>.


    Only required if the <PATH> parameter is set to access a remote machine and you have entered credentials in either <DOMAIN> or <USER_NAME>. Passwords are stored as plain text.

  3. Edit the <NUM_OF_COPIES> parameter to specify the number of old backups that should be kept. Once this number is reached, the oldest backup is deleted when the next backup is run.
  4. Edit the <PATH> parameter to define the location of the backup files. The location must exist already (the backup process will not create it), and can be a local or remote path. For example:

    If you do this, you may also need to enter credentials for access to the remote machine in the <USER_NAME> or <DOMAIN>, and <PASSWORD> parameters. This is not recommended as the password is stored as plain text and could be accessed by other users. Instead, store the backups in a location to which you have write access without needing credentials.

    Note: If you change the location of the backup files, older backup files are deleted only from the new location. Manage backup files manually in any previously defined locations.
  5. Save and close the file. Changes take effect when the next backup is run.