Definition of the Content Descriptor Object

Table 1.
Field Required Type Description Values comments
id   Integer file id is a sequential number of the file (to be inspected, not including the json) inside the multi part request:

first file: 0

second file: 1



K'th file: k-1

As long as the contentDescriptors is an array of only 1 file (meaning the multipart request contains only 1 file to be inspected) it Should always be 0  
name No, since the cloud web agent isn't always capable of retrieving it. String file name    
size_bytes Yes Long size of the content in bytes should be larger than 0, and equal to 0 only in case the agent cannot obtain the file size. In any case, the file sent must not be empty.  
item_type Yes Enumerator   [FILE, FOLDER] Currently this should always be 'FILE'
email_subject Only for CES (cloud email) String      
file_path No String      
file_id No String unique ID of the file in the customer system    
sharing_status No String   internal, external, none  
shared_with No array of strings List of emails/groups/Everyone    
owner_name No String Owner's login name    
owner_email No String      


No Long utc creation timestamp in mili seconds    


No Long utc modification timestamp in mili seconds    


No Long utc access timestamp in mili seconds