Web Multipart Mime Inspection Request

The below sample is the whole HTTP inspection request that comprises of a multi part mime containing in its first part the Inspection Request json and in its second part a mime file called 'trans_0_5397024941029260958.dat'. This mime file was generated by the website https://dlptest.com/ when uploading a docx file called 'matchTal.docx'. Using a curl client, the Inspection Request json and the trans_0_5397024941029260958.dat mime file were sent to the the REST server for inspection by running the following command:

curl -v POST -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -H "Authorization: Bearer jwttokenTalTal" -F "metadata=@C:/temp/WebInspectionRequest.json;type=application/json" -F "0=@C:/temp/trans_0_5397024941029260958.dat;type=application/http"