Error handling

  • If Data Protection Service shows the status “Failed to connect”, the module is temporarily unavailable. Click Connect or Recheck Connection to try to connect again. If the problem continues, contact Forcepoint Technical Support.
  • If the JSON file is uploaded for the first time, and when you click Connect the connection fails, the status shown is “Never connected”. This is because the Forcepoint Security Manager has never successfully connected to the Data Protection Service. Contact Forcepoint Technical Support for assistance.
  • If you receive the following message in the Data Protection Service Status area:

    This service is not connected to Forcepoint CASB. Incident reporting and policy enforcement will be affected for cloud channels. See “Explain this page” for more information.

This means that there is a connection issue, and DLP Cloud API and Cloud Data Discovery channels will not enforce DLP policies, and the DLP Cloud Proxy channel might not report incidents to the Forcepoint Security Manager. See Forcepoint DLP Administrator Help, “Error handling”, for more information.