Completing the installation wizard


  1. Enter and confirm a password for the Content Gateway Manager administrator account:

    Enter the administrator password for the Forcepoint Content Gateway management interface.

    Username: admin

    Password:> (note: cursor will not move as you type)

    Confirm password:>

    This account enables access to the management interface for Content Gateway (the Content Gateway manager). The default user name is admin.

    To create a strong password (required), use 8 to 15 characters, with at least 1 each of the following: upper case letter, lower case letter, number, special character.


    The password cannot contain the following characters:

    • space
    • $ (dollar symbol)
    • : (colon)
    • ‘ (backtick; typically shares a key with tilde, ~)
    • \ (backslash)
    • “ (double-quote)
    Note: As you type a password, it may seem that nothing is happening—the cursor will not move nor will masked characters be shown—but the characters are being accepted. After typing a password, press Enter. Then repeat to confirm it.
  2. Enter an email address where Content Gateway can send alarm messages:

    Forcepoint Content Gateway requires an email address for alarm notification.

    Enter an email address using @ notation: [] >

    Be sure to use @ notation (for example, Do not enter more than 64 characters for this address.

  3. When prompted, select 2 to configure the Content Gateway as a component of Forcepoint DLP Network (without Forcepoint Web Security).
  4. When prompted, enter the IPv4 address of the management server. Use dot notation (i.e.,
  5. Review default Content Gateway ports.
    • Change a port assignment if it will conflict with another application or process on the machine. Otherwise, leave the default assignments in place.
    • Any new port numbers must be between 1025 and 65535, inclusive.
  6. For clustering, at least two network interfaces are required. If the machine has only one, the following prompt appears:
    Content Gateway requires at least 2 interfaces to support clustering. Only one active network interface is detected on this system

    Press Enter to continue installation and skip to Step 13.

  7. If two or more network interfaces are found on the machine, a prompt asks whether Content Gateway should be part of a cluster:
    • If this instance of Content Gateway will not be to be part of a cluster, enter 2.
    • If 1 is selected, provide information about the cluster as follows:
      1. The name of the Content Gateway cluster.

        All members of a cluster must use the same cluster name.

      2. The network interface for cluster communication.
      3. A multicast group address for the cluster.
  8. For Content Gateway to act as a web cache, a raw disk must be present on this machine. If no raw disk is detected, the following prompt appears:
    No disks are detected for cache.

    Forcepoint Content Gateway will operate in PROXY_ONLY mode.

    Content Gateway will operate as a proxy only and will not cache web pages. Press Enter to continue the installation and skip Step 15.

  9. If a raw disk is detected, optionally enable the web cache feature:
    Note: Cache disks may also be added after Content Gateway has been installed. For instructions, see the Content Gateway Manager Help.
    1. Select available disks from the list. Selected disks become dedicated cache disks and cannot be used for any other purpose. Cache disks must be raw. Aggregate disk cache size should not exceed 147 GB.
      Warning: Although it might be listed as available, do not use an LVM (Logical Volume Manager) volume as a cache disk.
    2. Indicate whether to add or remove disks individually or as a group.
    3. Specify which disk or disks to use for the cache.
    4. The selections are confirmed. Note the “x” before the name of the disk.
      Here is the current selection

      [X] (1) /dev/sdb 146778685440 0x0

    5. Continue based on the choice in Step b, pressing X when you have finished configuring cache disks.
  10. A configuration summary appears, showing your answers to the installer prompts.
    • To make changes, enter n to restart the installation process at the first prompt.
    • To continue and install Content Gateway configured as shown, enter y.
      Important: After choosing to proceed, do not attempt to quit the installer by pressing Ctrl-C. Allow the installation to complete. Then uninstall it.