Arkansas Personal Information Protection Act

Arkansas SB 1167 of 2005 requires organizations to protect personal information of Arkansas residents (including personal health information) and to inform Arkansas customers when their private information is disclosed during a security breach. The policy comprises rules that detect combinations of personally identifiable information with sensitive information such as protected health information, credit card numbers, or passwords. The rules for this policy are:

  • Arkansas SB 1167: Arkansas Driver License with Sensitive Disease or Drug
  • Arkansas Personal Information Protection Act: CCN with Arkansas Driver License
  • Arkansas Personal Information Protection Act: Names with Sensitive Disease or Drug (Default)
  • Arkansas Personal Information Protection Act: Names with Sensitive disease or drug (Narrow)
  • Arkansas Personal Information Protection Act: Password Dissemination for HTTP Traffic (Wide)
  • Arkansas Personal Information Protection Act: Password Dissemination for HTTP Traffic (Default)
  • Arkansas Personal Information Protection Act: Password Dissemination for HTTP Traffic (Narrow)
  • Arkansas Personal Information Protection Act: Password Dissemination for non- HTTP/S Traffic (Wide)
  • Arkansas Personal Information Protection Act: Password Dissemination for non- HTTP/S Traffic (Default)
  • Arkansas Personal Information Protection Act: Password Dissemination for non- HTTP/S Traffic (Narrow)
  • Arkansas Personal Information Protection Act: SSN with CCN
  • Arkansas Personal Information Protection Act: SSN with Sensitive Disease or Drug