Employee Discontent

  • CV and Resume in English

    Policy for detection of documents comprising resumes and CVs in English. The rule for this policy is:

    • CV and Resume in English
  • CV and Resume in French

    Policy for detection of resumes and CVs in French. The rules for this policy are:

    • CV and Resume in French (Wide)
    • CV and Resume in French (Default)
    • CV and Resume in French (Narrow)
  • CV and Resume in German

    Policy for detection of resumes and CVs in German. The rules for this policy are:

    • CV and Resume in German (Wide)
    • CV and Resume in German (Default)
    • CV and Resume in German (Narrow)
  • CV and Resume in Spanish

    Policy for detection of resumes and CVs in Spanish. The rules for this policy are:

    • CV and Resume in Spanish (Wide)
    • CV and Resume in Spanish (Default)
    • CV and Resume in Spanish (Narrow)
  • Disgruntled Employee

    Detects expressions that are indicative of disgruntled employees. For example: “I hate my boss”, “I hate my job”.

    • Disgruntled Employee (Default)
    • Disgruntled Employee (Narrow)
  • Israel CV and Resume

    Policy for detection of documents comprising resumes and CVs in Hebrew and English. The rules for this policy are:

    • Israel CV and Resume: English
    • Israel CV and Resume: Hebrew
  • Russia CV and Resume

    Policy for detection of documents comprising resumes and CVs in Russian, Ukrainian, and English. The rules for this policy are:

    • Russia CV and Resume: English
    • Russia CV and Resume: Russian or Ukrainian
  • Self CV/Resume Distribution

    Policy for detecting employees who distribute their resume or Curriculum Vitae, indicating they may be searching for a new job. The rules for this policy include:

    • Self CV Distribution: English (Wide)
    • Self CV Distribution: English (Default)
  • Ukraine CV and Resume

    Policy for detection of documents comprising resumes and CVs in Ukrainian, Russian, and English. The rules for this policy are:

    • Ukraine CV and Resume: English
    • Ukraine CV and Resume: Russian or Ukrainian