Sample Exchange discovery incident XML (contd..)

<evt:filepath>cifs://ismith/Deleted Items/DSS Incident [ID:12564].EML</evt:filepath>
<evt:hostname></ evt:hostname>
<evt:dateAccessed>2010-10-21T03:10:51.505</ evt:dateAccessed>
<evt:dateCreated>2010-10-21T03:10:51.505</ evt:dateCreated>
<evt:dateModified>2010-10-21T03:10:51.505</ evt:dateModified>
<evt:detail type="5" value="ismith" isLookedUp="false"/>
<evt:detail type="5" value="N/A" isLookedUp="false"/>
<evt:scanStartTime>2017-07-26T14:16:49</ evt:scanStartTime>
Please note the main differences between the network discovery incident and this Exchange incident:
  • The <evt:parameters> containers hold more Exchange-specific information, such as email fields.
  • The pathname in the <evt:file> section is invalid as a path name, but is valid as a URL suffix in OWA.
  • The <evt:resourceType> value is EXCHANGE.

Include parsing code in custom scripts to get information from Exchange incidents. The sample script cannot extract any meaningful information from it.