Configuring the Data Protection Service

Data Protection Service is a cloud-based DLP analysis service that integrates with the following Forcepoint products:

  • Forcepoint ONE CASB with DLP SSE Applications
  • Forcepoint ONE SWG with DLP SSE Applications
  • Forcepoint Web Security Cloud
  • Forcepoint Email Security Cloud

Forcepoint ONE CASB with DLP SSE Applications (available from Forcepoint DLP version 10.0 and later) - Integration of Forcepoint ONE and Forcepoint Security Manager (FSM) enforces the DLP policy and associated actions setup in the FSM for CASB channel in Forcepoint ONE. For more information, see Forcepoint DLP and Forcepoint ONE CASB Integration Guide.

Forcepoint ONE SWG with DLP SSE Applications (available from Forcepoint DLP version 10.0 and later) - Integration of Forcepoint ONE and Forcepoint Security Manager (FSM) enforces the DLP policy and associated actions setup in the FSM for SWG channel in Forcepoint ONE. For more information, see Forcepoint DLP and Forcepoint ONE SWG Integration Guide

Data Protection Service for Email (available for Forcepoint DLP version 8.8.2 and later) enables Forcepoint Email Security Cloud to protect your organization against the threats of malware, spam, and other unwanted content in email traffic.

  • When Data Protection Service is integrated with Forcepoint Email Security Cloud, email messages that present potential data loss are sent to Data Protection Service for further inspection. Data Protection Service then returns its findings to the email cloud service for policy enforcement.
  • For more information or to get started with the integration of Forcepoint DLP and Forcepoint Cloud Email, see the Forcepoint Email Security Cloud and Forcepoint DLP Integration Guide.