Script classifiers

  • Brazil: RG Numbers (Default)
  • Brazil: RG Numbers (Narrow)
  • Denmark: CPR Number (Default)
  • Denmark: CPR Number (Narrow)
  • Denmark: CPR Number (Wide)
  • Driver License: District of Colombia
  • Driver License: Indiana
  • Driver License: Iowa
  • Driver License: Japan
  • Driver License: Massachusetts
  • Driver License: Missouri
  • Driver License: Nevada
  • Driver License: Utah
  • Driver License: Virginia
  • Dutch Citizen Service Number
  • EIN (Default)
  • Finnish SSN (Default)
  • Finnish SSN (Wide)
  • IL Life Insurance
  • Israeli Insurance Claims
  • Israeli life Insurance
  • Japan Ledger
  • Japan Pension
  • Japan Phone Numbers
  • Korea Phone Numbers (Narrow)
  • Korea Phone Numbers (Wide)
  • Korea Phone Numbers (With Support)
  • Malaysia ID: no date validation
  • Malaysia ID: no date validation, with proximity
  • Malaysia ID: with date and BP validation
  • Malaysia ID: with date and BP validation, with proximity
  • Malaysia ID: with date validation
  • Malaysia ID: with date validation, with proximity
  • People's Republic of China Identification Numbers
  • SIN (Default)
  • SIN (Narrow)
  • SIN (Wide)
  • SIN: with proximity
  • Singaporean Phone Numbers (Default)
  • Singaporean Phone Numbers (Narrow)
  • Spanish Address
  • Spanish Passports
  • Turkey TC Kimlik (Wide)
  • Turkey TC Kimlik (Default)
  • UK Driver Number (Default)
  • UK Driver Number (Wide)
  • UK Voter Number
  • US Phone Numbers