Upgrade data security components on the management server

Before running the Forcepoint DLP upgrade wizard, the installer validates system requirements to ensure the upgrade will be successful.

The pre-upgrade check validates hardware requirements, credentials for the SQL Server management database, endpoint security certificates, manager configuration, administrator upgrade permissions, and the database structure. As it proceeds, it reports whether a step succeeded or failed, or it shows a warning.

  • If there is a failure, the upgrade stops. For details, see \TRITON-PreUpgrade- SystemTests.log in the product’s installation directory.
  • If there are only warnings, the installer offers the option to continue the upgrade. Continuing without repairing the issues may cause unexpected behavior, but should not a critical impact.
  • If the pre-upgrade check succeeds, or if the administrator continues after viewing warnings, the Forcepoint DLP wizard is launched, followed by wizards for each installed component.

The Forcepoint DLP upgrade wizard contains the following screens.

Wizard Screen Fields

Initial Forcepoint DLP installation wizard launch page.

The system checks the disk space on the machine. When prompted, click Next to launch the installation wizard.

Configuration Step through the screens configured during the previous product installation, including Fingerprinting Database, Temporary File Location, and Local Administrator. Click Next on each to retain the existing settings.
Installation Confirmation Review the settings on the Installation Confirmation screen and click Install to continue the upgrade.

Shows the progress of the installation. The system stops processes, checks ports, copies new files, updates component registration, removes unused files, and more.

In certain circumstances, an internal SQL error may appear. If this occurs, do not click OK until the issue has been resolved with Forcepoint Technical Support.

Continuing without resolving the issue can cause problems with the reporting database.


Summarizes the upgrade configuration.

  1. Click Finish to exit after the installation of Forcepoint DLP is complete.

    The installer information message pops up, denoting that the changes made to the DLP software will only start working after restarting your system.

  2. Select Yes/No depending upon when you want to restart your system and make the DLP changes come into effect.