Installing Forcepoint URL Filtering to integrate with ICAP Service

For information about version compatibility, see the Version Equivalencies Between Forcepoint DLP and EIP Infrastructure/Web/Email Components.

The ICAP Service is installed with Filtering Service.

When running the web protection installer:

  • Include Filtering Service as a component to install. If you are using the “All web protection components” option, Filtering Service is included by default.
  • Select the Install Forcepoint URL Filtering to integrate... integration option, then select ICAP Service as the integration product.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. Refer to the Forcepoint URL Filtering installation instructions for more detailed information.
After installation, configure your ICAP integration. See:
  • Configuring the proxy to communicate with ICAP Service
  • Configuring ICAP Service

Converting a standalone installation to use ICAP integration

You can change a standalone Forcepoint URL Filtering installation to use ICAP integration without losing configuration settings.

  1. Upgrade to the current version (if you are not already using the current version), then restart the Filtering Service machine.
  2. Uninstall the existing instance of Filtering Service and Network Agent.
  3. Reinstall Filtering Service to integrate with ICAP Service. Also reinstall Network Agent.
    • The components can be reinstalled at the same time if they are on the same machine.
    • If the components are on separate machines, first reinstall Filtering Service, then reinstall Network Agent.
  4. Configure your ICAP integration. See:
    • Configuring the proxy to communicate with ICAP Service
    • Configuring ICAP Service