Forcepoint DLP initial configuration
For information about version compatibility, see the Version Equivalencies Between Forcepoint DLP and EIP Infrastructure/Web/Email Components.
Note: The Data Security module of the Security Manager may not be available immediately after installation. It takes a few minutes to initialize the system after it is first installed. To
complete your Forcepoint DLP installation, log on to the Data Security module of the Security Manager and click Deploy.
See the Forcepoint DLP Getting Started Guide for initial setup instructions for newly installed agents, modules, and components.
In addition, the Initial Setup section of the Forcepoint DLP Administrator Help has information about:
- Defining general system settings
- Connection to directory services
- System alerts
- Setting up notifications
- Notifications when policy breaches occur
- Configuring web attributes
- Web DLP policies
- Policies for particular websites
- Policy owners
- Configuring email policies
- Creating a regulatory and compliance policy
- Configuring system modules