SQL Server Express

For information about version compatibility, see the Version Equivalencies Between Forcepoint DLP and EIP Infrastructure/Web/Email Components.

SQL Server Express is a free data management system. In very small deployments, it can be used to store Forcepoint reporting data.

  • Due to performance limitations built in by Microsoft, SQL Server Express is not suitable for all organizations; see Administering Forcepoint Databases for more information.
  • For other supported versions of SQL Server, see System requirements for this version.

SQL Server Express is recommended to be installed on the Forcepoint management server.

When available, only use the Forcepoint Security Installer to install SQL Server Express for use with Forcepoint solutions.

  • Forcepoint has removed the ability to install SQL Server Express as an option for new deployments of Forcepoint Security Manager. This change was made via a revised version of Forcepoint Security Installer introduced in July 2019, which can be found on the Downloads page.
  • The change was required to reduce the risk of deploying SQL Server Express without the latest security updates. Forcepoint Security Manager still supports and will work with the latest version of SQL Server Express. You may use SQL Server Express for small deployments, but it must be installed independently.