Configure the Citrix Integration Service installation package

Before you begin

For information about version compatibility, see the Version Equivalencies Between Forcepoint DLP and EIP Infrastructure/Web/Email Components.

Extract the contents of the Citrix configuration package and run the configuration utility to create a Citrix Integration Service installation package to deploy to Citrix servers.


  1. Double-click the configuration package executable, then click Extract. The package name is WCISUtil_x64_nnnn.exe.
  2. Double-click Websense Citrix Integration Service Configuration.exe to start the configuration utility.
  3. In the Profile Source screen, click Browse and select the folder containing either the default Citrix installation package template or an existing installation package that you want to modify, then click Next.

    If the following message appears, make sure all necessary files are present in the folder you specified:

    The selected installation package does not include all of the necessary files.

    The folder you specify must contain all of the files extracted from the Citrix configuration package in step 1.

  4. In the Connections screen, configure Filtering Service connection behavior for Citrix Integration Service as described below. When you are finished, click Next.
    1. If appears in the right pane, select it and then click Remove.
      Filtering Service should never be installed on the Citrix server machine itself.
    2. Under Connection Details, enter the IP address or hostname of a Filtering Service machine, then enter the filtering port (15868 by default).
      Note: The Filtering Service port must be in the range 1024- 65535. To determine what port is used by Filtering Service, check the eimserver.ini file—located in C:\ Program Files or Program Files (x86)\Websense\Web Security\bin (Windows) or /opt/Websense/bin/ (Linux)— on the Filtering Service machine. In this file, look for the WebsenseServerPort value.
      Important: Do not modify the eimserver.ini file.
    3. Click the right arrow (>) to add the IP address/hostname and port entry to the list to the right.
    4. Repeat the previous 2 steps for each Filtering Service instance you want used by the Citrix server.
      When multiple Filtering Service instances are specified, if the first instance is unavailable, Citrix Integration Service attempts communication with the next instance in the list.

      If no Filtering Service instances are available, Citrix Integration Service continues to attempt communication in the background every 1 minute. Until communication is established, Citrix Integration Service fails open (permits all requests) or fails closed (blocks all requests) depending on your select in step f (below).

      Note: Each Filtering Service instance tracks continue, quota, and password override information independently. If the Citrix Integration Service fails over from one Filtering Service instance to another, usage quotas may be different and override passwords may need to be entered again.
    5. Enable or disable the Do not send user name information to Filtering Service option. If this option is selected (enabled), user name information for Citrix users is not included in reports.
      The setting applies to all Filtering Service instances listed.
    6. Enable or disable the Block all HTTP/HTTPS/FTP traffic if unable to connect to a Filtering Server option to determine whether Citrix Integration Service blocks or permits all requests when it cannot communicate with Filtering Service.
  5. In the Client Settings screen, select options as described below. When you are finished, click Next.
    • Notify users when HTTPS or FTP traffic is blocked: Determine whether users see a browser pop-up message when HTTPS or FTP traffic is blocked. If so, also specify the how long the pop-up message remains visible.
    • Protect installation directory from modification or deletion: This option prevents tampering with the Citrix Integration Service on the Citrix server. Attempts to delete it, replace files, or modify registry entries are stopped.
  6. On the Trusted Sites screen, specify any URLs or domains that should be ignored (not forwarded for policy enforcement). When you are finished, click Next.
    • To add a URL or regular expression, click Add, then enter either a URL or a regular expression specifying a set of URLs. Any regular expression adhering to ISO/IEC TR 19768 (within the character-number limit) is valid. When you are finished, click OK.
    • To edit a URL or regular expression, select it and then click Edit.
    • To remove a URL or regular expression, select it and then click Remove.

    The URLs you specify here are trusted by any Citrix server on which this Citrix Integration Service is install. It has no bearing on how Filtering Service instances filter requests from non-Citrix users and other Citrix servers that use a different Citrix Integration Service configuration.

  7. On the Save screen, specify how you want the customized installation package saved. When you are finished, click Finish.
    • Select Overwrite the existing installation to overwrite the Citrix installation package you used as a template. This is the package residing in the folder you selected in Step 3.
    • Select Save the customized installation package to a new location to save the customized installation package to a different location. Click Browse, and specify a folder. It is a best practice to save to an empty folder. Then, you can be certain that all files in that folder are part of the installation package.

    The installation package is now ready for use.

    If you have multiple Citrix servers for which you want different customized settings, repeat this procedure to create an installation package for each. Save each customized installation package to different folders.

    To continue to the last step in the integration process, see Use the installation package to install Citrix Integration Service on a Citrix server.