Upgrading the management server

For information about version compatibility, see the Version Equivalencies Between Forcepoint DLP and EIP Infrastructure/Web/Email Components.

To upgrade Forcepoint management server components, use the appropriate Forcepoint Security Installer for your version (Windows only): ForcepointDLP1030Setup.exe, where “1030” is the full version number.

  1. Download the installer from the Downloads section of the My Account page at support.forcepoint.com.
  2. Select the link for the appropriate version under any on-premises security.
  3. Select the installer (typically the first entry in the list), then, on the installer page, click Download.
  4. Log on to the installation machine with an account having domain and local administrator privileges.
  5. Close all applications and stop any antivirus software.
    Warning: Be sure to close the Windows Event Viewer, or the upgrade may fail.
  6. Right-click ForcepointDLP1030Setup.exe and select Run as administrator to launch the installer. A progress dialog box appears, as files are extracted.

When the installer launches, it detects that earlier versions of the product are installed, and automatically starts a series of upgrade wizards—one for each of the modules included on the management server.

Note: You may be prompted to restart the machine after each component is upgraded. This is optional. It is okay to restart the machine once after all components are upgraded.

Management infrastructure

The Forcepoint Management Infrastructure (formerly TRITON infrastructure) provides a basic framework for all of the management components that make up the Forcepoint Security Manager (formerly TRITON Manager). This framework includes a central settings database that stores shared configuration (such as administrator directory and account information) for all management modules, as well as other internal shared services.

The infrastructure upgrade wizard contains the following screens.

Wizard Screen Fields

Welcomes you to the installation and upgrade wizard.

  1. Click Next to begin the upgrade process. The system checks disk space requirements.
  2. When prompted, click Next to launch the installation wizard.
Pre-Installation Summary


  • The destination folder for the installation files.
  • The name of the SQL Server machine and the user name of an authorized database administrator.
  • The IP address of the Forcepoint management server and administrator credentials.

Click Next to accept the properties.


Shows upgrade progress.

The system stops processes, copies new files, updates component registration, removes unused files, and more.

A popup message appears at this stage, warning that you must also upgrade all modules. This popup may be hidden behind the main installer window, so if your installation appears to freeze, locate the hidden popup by moving the main installer window, and click OK to proceed with the installation.


When module upgrade is complete, summarizes your system settings, including:

  • The destination folder for the installation files.
  • The name of the SQL Server machine and the user name of an authorized database administrator.
  • The IP address of the Forcepoint management server and administrator credentials.

Click Finish to complete the upgrade for this module.

Web protection

The Forcepoint Web Security upgrade wizard contains the following screens.

Wizard Screen Fields
Introduction Welcomes you to the upgrade wizard. Click Next to continue.
Pre-Upgrade Summary

Informs you that a previous web protection software version was detected.

  1. Click Next to start the upgrade.

    The installer proceeds to stop all Forcepoint services. This can take up to 10 minutes. When complete, it tells you which components will be upgraded.

  2. Click Install to continue.

    The installer backs up critical files.

Installing Forcepoint

Shows installation progress.

When complete, the installer configures your software. This can take up to 10 minutes.

Upgrade Complete You are notified when installation of this module is complete. Click Done to exit the installer.

Data protection

Before running the Forcepoint DLP upgrade wizard, the installer validates system requirements to ensure that the upgrade will be successful.

The pre-upgrade check validates hardware requirements, credentials for the SQL Server database, endpoint security certificates, manager configuration, administrator upgrade permissions, and database structure. As it proceeds, it reports whether a step succeeded or failed, or issues a warning.

If there is a failure, the upgrade stops. For details, see \AP-DATA- PreUpgradeTests.log in the product installation directory.

If there are only warnings, it is possible to proceed with the upgrade. In this case, be aware that the system may behave unexpectedly, but this will not have a critical impact.

After the pre-upgrade check, the Forcepoint DLP upgrade wizard is launched.

The upgrade wizard contains the following screens.

Wizard Screen Fields

This screen welcomes you to the installation and upgrade wizard for Forcepoint DLP.

The system checks the disk space on the machine. When prompted, click Next to launch the installation wizard.

Installation Confirmation Verify the system settings and click Install to continue the upgrade.

This screen shows the progress of the installation. The system stops processes, checks ports, copies new files, updates component registration, removes unused files, and more.

In some cases, an internal SQL error may occur. Do not click OK until the issue has been resolved with Forcepoint Technical Support. Continuing prematurely can cause problems with the reporting database.


When installation of this module is complete, this screen summarizes the system settings.

  1. Click Done. A prompt to update predefined policies and content classifiers appears.
  2. Click OK to install the updates. The status of the updates is displayed, including the items being updated, and details such as how many policies are updated, deleted, or added.
  3. Click Close when the updates are complete.

Email protection

The Forcepoint Email Security upgrade wizard contains the following screens.

Wizard Screen Fields
Introduction This screen welcomes you to the Forcepoint Email Security upgrade wizard. Click Next to continue.
Select Components This screen shows the components that will be upgraded (those that are currently installed). Click Next to continue.
Configuration This page shows the IP address of the database engine configured to manage the Email Log Database and the logon type. If you have changed the database since your previous installation, modify the settings here.
Pre-Installation Summary

This screen shows:

  • The components to be installed
  • The pre-existing and new version numbers
  • The destination folder for the installation files
  • The required and available disk space
Click Install to begin the upgrade.

This screen shows that the installation is progressing.

The Email Security module of the Security Manager is upgraded on the Forcepoint management server.

The Email Log Server is upgraded on machines where it is found.

When complete, the installer configures the software. This can take up to 10 minutes.

Summary You are notified when installation of this module is complete. Click Done to exit the installer.

Post-upgrade steps

Once the Forcepoint management server upgrade is complete:

  1. Restart the management server.
  2. Log on to the Forcepoint Security Manager:


  3. Click Data to select the Data Security module.
  4. Follow the prompts that appear for updating data loss protection policies and classifiers.

    Depending on the number of existing policies, this can take up to an hour. During this time, do not restart the server or any of the services.

  5. If any applications were removed from predefined endpoint application groups prior to upgrade, go to the Main > Resources > Endpoint Application Groups page and remove them again. The upgrade process restored these to their original state.
  6. Click Deploy.
  7. Select the Email Security module and navigate to the page Settings > General > Database Downloads.
  8. Click Update Now to perform an immediate database download update.

For information on upgrading other Forcepoint DLP components, such as supplemental servers, agents, and Forcepoint DLP Endpoint (formerly TRITON AP-ENDPOINT DLP), refer to Upgrading to Forcepoint DLP .