Applying column filters

Endpoint status information can be sorted, grouped, and filtered by column name (like Profile Name or Device Type). To sort a column, click the down arrow next to the column name, then choose an option:

Field Description
Sort Ascending Sort the table by the active column in ascending alphabetical order.
Sort Descending Sort the table by the active column in descending alphabetical order.
Filter by (column) Filter the data in the table by the type of information in the active column, such as by description or task name.
Clear filter Clear the filter currently applied to the column and display all data.

To view the current filters in use, click the information (“i”) icon next to Column Filtering Activated.

Columns using a filter have a funnel icon next to the column name.

To clear a filter from a column, click the down arrow by any column name and select Clear filter. Additionally, many screens have a Filter button: click this button to clear a single filter or all filters.

If there are too many items to fit on the page, browse the list using the Next, Previous, First, and Last buttons.