Updating configuration file

After upgrading of all DLP components on the DLP system, complete the following steps to handle vulnerability during upgrading to PolicyEngine 10.3 on linux.
Note: This section is only applicable for Linux system.


  1. Go to %DSS_HOME%\policies_store\policies\config_files\
  2. Open extractorlinux.config.xml file.
  3. If the following snippet is present in extractorlinux.config.xml file, then delete the snippet from the file.
    <fileType id="291">
    		<!-- XML_FMT -->
  4. Save extractorlinux.config.xml file.
  5. Perform the same steps for extractor.config.xml
  6. Make a ‘fake deploy’ by changing the severity of one of the rules and click No on the Deployment Needed screen.
  7. Then select the original severity of this rule and click Yes on the Deployment Needed screen to deploy the changes.