Restoring an archive

Manually created archives can be restored using the archiving record ID number:


  1. Log on to the Data Security module of the Security Manager.
  2. Go to the Settings > General > Archive Partitions page.
  3. Select one or more archived partitions.
  4. Click Restore in the toolbar at the top of the page.
  5. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.

Next steps

Before restoring an archive, the system checks the total disk space needed. If the required space exceeds 95 percent of the maximum allotted space, the action is canceled.

When the restore operation is successfully completed, the records are deleted from the archive folder. A maximum of 4 restored archives can be online at the same time. Restored archives are not counted toward the maximum 8 online partitions or 12 archived partitions.

See Forcepoint DLP Administrator Help for more information.