Forcepoint Email Security initial configuration

Applies to:
  • Forcepoint Email Security, v8.5.x

The first time you access the Email Security module of Forcepoint Security Manager, you are prompted for your subscription key. Then, you are asked if you want to use the First-Time Configuration Wizard. This wizard guides you through the process of entering some essential configuration settings. It is strongly recommended you use this wizard. See the Forcepoint Email Security Administrator Help for more information about the wizard.

Important: The configuration wizard is offered only once, at initial Email Security module start up. If you choose not to use the wizard, it will no longer be available. All settings configured in the wizard can be configured in the Email Security module individually. The wizard simply offers a more convenient way to enter some initial settings.

See the Getting Started section in the Forcepoint Email Security Administrator Help for information on initial configuration in the following areas:

  • First-time Configuration Wizard, for establishing
    • An initial mail route for a protected domain
    • Trusted IP addresses for which some inbound email analysis is not performed
    • Email Log Server IP address and port
    • System notification email address
  • Forcepoint DLP registration, to allow the use of email data loss prevention (DLP) policy options
  • Forcepoint URL database download scheduling, to manage message analysis database updates

For help with the following Email Security module settings, see the Configuring System Settings section in the Administrator Help:

  • Delegated administrator management, to modify administrator roles established in the Forcepoint Security Manager
  • System settings, to establish system preferences like the SMTP greeting and system notification email address
  • Appliance management, for administering all the appliances in your email protection system
  • User directory creation and management
  • Protected domain and trusted IP address lists, to designate all the domains that you want protected and the IP addresses whose mail can bypass some email analysis
  • User authentication and recipient validation options
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate handling, to provide an extra layer of security for email communications
  • Trusted CA certificate importing
  • Email Security module backup and restore functions, to preserve important configuration files, including your appliances list, administrator settings, and report templates
  • System alerts, to configure delivery methods for distributing various email system health alerts

If your subscription includes the Forcepoint Email Security Hybrid Module, you need to register with the email hybrid service. See the Registering for the hybrid service topic in the Forcepoint Email Security Administrator Help for descriptions of email hybrid service registration.

After you have registered with the email hybrid service, you can configure Email Hybrid Service Log properties and view the Email Hybrid Service Log. See the Administrator Help for details.