Miscellaneous formats

File Format Detection Content Extraction Meta Data Extraction
3D Manufacturing Format document Y N N
3D Sprint (3D Systems) SLA Build file Y N N
AD1 Evidence File Y N N
Additive manufacturing file format (AMF) document Y N N
Adobe AIR application installer package Y N N
Adobe Premiere project format Y N N
Adobe XML Data Package format Y N N
Adobe PostScript Printer Description file (PPD) Y N N
Android Binary XML (compressed byaapt) format Y N N
Android PackageKit (APK) format Y N N
Apache Avro binary format Y N N
Apple Icon image format Y N N
Apple Binary Property List Y N N
Apple Desktop Services Store file (DSStore) Y N N
Apple XML Property List Y N N
Apple/NeXT typedstream data format Y N N
AppleScript Binary Source Code Y N N
Applix Builder format Y N N
Arc GIS Graph format Y N N
ArcMap Map Exchange Document project (MXD) Y N N
Associated Signature Container Extended format Y N N
Associated Signature Container Simple format Y N N
Atom Syndication Format Y N N
File Format Detection Content Extraction Meta Data Extraction
3D Manufacturing Format document Y N N
3D Sprint (3D Systems) SLA Build file Y N N
AD1 Evidence File Y N N
Additive manufacturing file format (AMF) document Y N N
Adobe AIR application installer package Y N N
Adobe Premiere project format Y N N
Adobe XML Data Package format Y N N
Adobe PostScript Printer Description file (PPD) Y N N
Android Binary XML (compressed byaapt) format Y N N
Android PackageKit (APK) format Y N N
Apache Avro binary format Y N N
Apple Icon image format Y N N
Apple Binary Property List Y N N
Apple Desktop Services Store file (DSStore) Y N N
Apple XML Property List Y N N
Apple/NeXT typedstream data format Y N N
AppleScript Binary Source Code Y N N
Applix Builder format Y N N
Arc GIS Graph format Y N N
ArcMap Map Exchange Document project (MXD) Y N N
Associated Signature Container Extended format Y N N
Associated Signature Container Simple format Y N N
Atom Syndication Format Y N N
File Format Detection Content Extraction Meta Data Extraction
Auto CAD VBA project format Y N N
AutoForm Design file Y N N
Away3D scene file Y N N
Base64 Y N N
bin Unknown Y N N
BitTorrent file format Y N N
BizInt Smart Charts data format Y N N
BlackBerry Activation File Y N N
Borland Turbo C project file Y N N
CAD Binary Logging Format Y N N
CAD Measurement Data Format Y N N
Creative Signal Processor codec Y N N
CodeWarrior C/C++ project Y N N
Debian binary package format Y N N
Delphi Diagram Portfolio file Y N N
Digital Media Project Content Format Y N N
Doom IWAD/PWAD format Y N N
ELF Core file Y N N
Framework Y N N
Framework II Y N N
FTP Session Data Y N N
GDSII data format Y N N
General Regularly-distributed Information in Binary form GRIB format Y N N
GNU Message Catalog format Y N N
Google SketchUp Format Y N N
GPG trust database format Y N N
Hierarchical Data Format HDF4 Y N N
Hierarchical Data Format HDF5 Y N N
Honey Bull DSA101 Y N N
HP PCL and PJL Languages Y N N
IFilter Y N N
File Format Detection Content Extraction Meta Data Extraction
Informix SmartWare II Communication File Y N N
InstallShield Uninstall format Y N N
Internal use Y N N
International Color Consortium files Y N N
IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) format Y N N
ISO 10303-21 STEP format Y N N
ISO-BMFF Dirac Wavelet compression Y N N
Java Class Files Y N N
Java JCE Key Store format Y N N
Java Key Store format Y N N
Keepass Password file Y N N
Keyhole Markup Language Y N N
LightWave Object format Y N N
Linux Device Tree Blob format Y N N
Lotus Approach format Y N N
Lotus Organizer print/paper layout file Y N N
Lotus Organizer report document Y N N
MAF Photo Player Y N N
MATLAB Figures and Binary Files Y N N
Microsoft Active Mime (mso) documents Y N N
Microsoft Answer Wizard file Y N N
Microsoft Common Object File Format (COFF) Y N N
Microsoft Compiled HTML Help Y N N
Microsoft DirectDraw Surface container format Y N N
Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) package file Y N N
Microsoft Graph Edit File format Y N N
Microsoft Help 2.0 format Y N N
File Format Detection Content Extraction Meta Data Extraction
Microsoft MS-DOS installation compression Y N N
Microsoft NT Event Log Y N N
Microsoft Object File Library Y N N
Microsoft Office temporary owner file Y N N
Microsoft Office theme format Y N N
Microsoft OLE 2 Encapsulation Y N N
Microsoft Outlook address file Y N N
Microsoft Outlook Express DBX folder database format Y N N
Microsoft Outlook 2002 Send- Receive Settings Y N N
Microsoft Outlook Personal Address Book (PAB) Y N N
Microsoft Outlook Restricted Permission Message Y N N
Microsoft Publisher color scheme Y N N
Microsoft System Deployment Image SDI format Y N N
Microsoft Systems Center Operation Manager (SCOM) management pack MPX format Y N N
Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk format Y N N
Microsoft Visual InterDev web project items file Y N N
Microsoft Visual Studio solution user options (suo) file Y N N
Microsoft Visual Studio incremental linker file Y N N
Microsoft Visual C/C++ binary precompiled header Y N N
Microsoft Windows binary resource file Y N N
Windows heap or mini core dump file Y N N
Microsoft Windows Help Y N N
Microsoft Windows Live Messenger/Mail log file Y N N
File Format Detection Content Extraction Meta Data Extraction
Microsoft Windows Registry format Y N N
Microsoft Windows Vista Event Log Y N N
Miscellaneous Microsoft Office Files (OOXML) Y N N
Mozilla XUL Fastload format Y N N
MPEG Sequence format Y N N
MPEG Transport Stream data Y N N
National Instruments LabVIEW File Format Y N N
Nero Audio-Cd compilation file Y N N
Nero ISO compilation file Y N N
Netscape Address Book format Y N N
Netscape Bookmark File Y N N
Netware Loadable Module format Y N N
ODF Chart Y N N
ODF Chart flat XML format Y N N
ODF Chart Template Y N N
ODF Database Y N N
ODF Drawing/Graphics flat XML format Y N N
ODF Drawing/Graphics Template Y N N
ODF Extension format Y N N
ODF Formula flat XML format Y N N
ODF Formula Template Y N N
ODF Image Y N N
ODF Image flat XML format Y N N
ODF Image Template Y N N
ODF Presentation flat XML format Y N N
ODF Presentation Template Y N N
File Format Detection Content Extraction Meta Data Extraction
ODF Spread sheet flat XML format Y N N
ODF Spreadsheet Template Y N N
ODF Text flat XML format Y N N
ODF Text Master Y N N
ODF Text Template Y N N
ODF Text Web Y N N
OMA DRM Format Y N N
Open Artwork System Interchange Standard (OASIS) format Y N N
PaintShop Pro JBF image cache file Y N N
PaperPort MAX File Format Y N N
PEM-encoded RSA private key Y N N
PEM-encoded SSL certificate Y N N
PKCS #12 (p12) format Y N N
PowerISO Direct Access Archive format Y N N
Qt binary translation file format Y N N
Quicken data file Y N N
Rational Purify data file Y N N
RealLegal E-Transcript File Y N N
RPM Package Manager file Y N N
Samsung Electronics Jungum Global Document Y N N
Samsung stereoscopic stream Y N N
Serialized Object Encapsulation Format Y N N
Scribe markup language and word processing system Y N N
Sereal data serialization format Y N N
Shapefile binary spatial index format Y N N
Shapefile SHP/SHX Y N N
Shell Scrap Object File Y N N
File Format Detection Content Extraction Meta Data Extraction
SMTP document Y N N
Splunk Enterprise Security Event Log file Y N N
Star Office Math Y N N
Star Office (4,5) Chart Y N N
Subversion Dump Format Y N N
TCPdump packet stream capture savefile format Y N N
Unknown format Y N N
Vector Open Diagnostic Data Exchange Format Y N N
VICE (Versatile Commodore Emulator) format Y N N
VMware Virtual Disk Format 5.0 Y N N
Windows C++ Obj Storage Y N N
Windows Event Viewer log files (Windows 2000 and XP) Y N N
Windows Event Viewer log files (Windows Vista, 7, and 8) Y N N
Windows Group Y N N
Windows Journal Format Y N N
Windows shortcut file Y N N
Wireless Markup Language Y N N
Wolfram Mathematica Computable Document Format Y N N
Wolfram Mathematica Notebook Format Y N N
WordPerfect General File Y N N
XPConnect Typelib Format Y N N
Yahoo! Messenger Y N N
Zipped Keyhole Markup Language Y N N