Removing Forcepoint DLP components

Forcepoint DLP components must be removed all at once. Individual components cannot be selected for removal.

Forcepoint Email Security requires Forcepoint DLP to be installed. If you are using Forcepoint Email Security, do not uninstall Forcepoint DLP or Forcepoint Email Security will quit working.

Do not uninstall the Forcepoint Management Infrastructure before removing Forcepoint DLP.

For instructions on removing a Forcepoint DLP Endpoint, see Uninstalling endpoint software.

To remove Forcepoint DLP components:


  1. To start the Forcepoint Security Installer:
    • If the extracted installation files were saved after the initial installation, select Forcepoint Security Setup from the Windows Start screen (or from the Forcepoint folder in the Start menu) to start the installer without having to re- extract files.
    • Otherwise, double-click the installer executable.
  2. In the Modify Installation dashboard, click the Modify link for Forcepoint DLP.
  3. At the Welcome screen, click Remove.
  4. At the Forcepoint DLP Uninstall screen, click Uninstall.
    Important: This removes all Forcepoint DLP components from this machine.

    The Installation screen appears, showing removal progress.

  5. At the Uninstallation Complete screen, click Finish.
    The Modify Installation dashboard is displayed.
    Note: The Secondary Forcepoint DLP server must be uninstalled from the Windows Control Panel and not from the Forcepoint Security Installer.