ProcessDicoveryIncident(IncidentXml, Command)

This routine runs a command, providing the incident file name as a parameter. This is quite useful to run commands that expect the original file as one of its parameters.

Note: The typo in the function name will be fixed in future versions.
Table 1. Parameters
IncidentXML Unicode The path of the incident XML file.
Command Unicode

A command to execute

The string should contain the string “$filepath$”, which is replaced with the actual filename in the incident XML.




DiscoveryIncidentProcessing.ProcessDicoveryIncident(r'C:\ Temp\5371106770671816417.xml',
u'notepad.exe filepath ')
2017-07-19 18:32:45,312 root Debug Processing 
C:\Temp\5371106770671816417.xml Encryption
2017-07-19 18:32:45,496 root Debug Processing
2017-07-19 18:32:45,500 root Debug
2017-07-19 18:32:50,898 root Debug
\\\DiscoveryTarget\TestFile.txt RunCommand Successful