
If discovery and fingerprinting scans are slow, and third-party antivirus software is being used, configure the antivirus software to exclude the following directories from scanning on all Forcepoint DLP servers and management servers:

  • :\Program Files (x87)\Websense\*.*
  • :\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\*.*
  • :\Inetpub\mailroot\*.*
  • :\Inetpub\wwwroot\*.*
  • %TEMP%\*.*
  • %WINDIR%\Temp\*.*

See the antivirus software documentation for instructions. On non-management servers, such as Forcepoint DLP Server policy engines, exclude the following directories from anti-virus scanning:

  • :\Program Files\Websense\*.*
  • :\Inetpub\mailroot\*.*
  • :\Inetpub\wwwroot\*.*
  • %TEMP%\*.*
  • %WINDIR%\Temp\*.*

This should improve system performance. If antivirus software is not being used, contact Forcepoint Technical Support (see Technical Support section) for help on improving performance.