Applying a column filter

On the Endpoint Application Groups page, click the down arrow next to a column heading to apply a column filter in the table. Filters help to narrow down the list of application groups displayed in the table.

When you apply a filter to the Applications column, you’re prompted to select one or more applications. If you select more than one (for example, Notepad and Firefox), the system displays groups that have either of the applications. In other words, the OR operation is applied to the filter: if Notepad OR Firefox is in the group, display the group.

The Endpoint Operations filter works the same way. When you apply a filter, you’re prompted to select the operations to view. If you select more than one (for example, Download and Paste), the system displays groups that have either of the operations.

Note: If you combine column filters, the system displays only groups that match both filters. For example, (Notepad or Firefox) AND (Download or Paste).