Managing rules

Rules define the logic of the policy. They can be added to a policy, edited, or deleted from a policy at any time, as well as enabled or disabled.

When a policy is created, a rule is created automatically as content classifiers are configured.

When adding content classifiers to a policy, optionally select Create Rule from Classifier to add the rule manually. (See Creating a rule from a content classifier section, .)

On the Manage DLP Policies or Manage Discovery Policies page, you can expand a policy in the tree view and click a rule, then select Edit, Add > Rule, or Delete to make changes.

Predefined content classifiers cannot be edited in the rules of the Forcepoint-defined policy templates. The Condition tab for these rules shows the name and type of predefined classifier, but does not allow administrators to view the logic or change settings.

Rules can have one or more exceptions. To add an exception to a rule, click a rule in the tree view and select Add > Exception. For information on adding exceptions, see Managing exceptions section.