Selecting destination websites

Under Destination Sites:

  • Select Any website to prevent sensitive data from being posted or uploaded to any website, without exception.
  • Select Websites that belong to the selected categories to prevent sensitive data from being posted or uploaded to known or potentially hazardous websites, but not to all websites.

Linking Service must be installed, running, and enabled to monitor selected categories, and the connection to the Linking Service machine must be working. (Enable Linking Service on the Settings > General > Services page.)

Expand a category to select or deselect specific site categories.

  • Mark Identified malware sites to prevent sensitive data from being posted to websites identified as containing malicious software, including Bot Networks, Keyloggers, Phishing and Other Frauds, Spyware, and more.
  • Mark Suspected malware sites to prevent sensitive data from being posted to websites that contain potentially malicious or undesired content, including Potentially Unwanted Software, Potentially Damaging Content, Suspicious Embedded Link, and more.
  • Mark Data misuse sites to prevent sensitive data from being posted to websites that are prone to misuse, intentional or not, by users, including Peer- to-Peer File Sharing, Message Boards and Forums, General Email, and more.