The Forcepoint DLP traffic log

Use the Main > Logs > Traffic Log page in the Data Security module of the Security Manager to see details of the traffic monitored over specific periods, as well as the action taken.

For the endpoint channel, the log displays only traffic that breaches policy. The list includes:

  • Event ID
  • Event Time
  • Channel
  • Action Taken

To customize the information shown in each column, click Table Properties (), just above the right edge of the table. See Changing table properties section, for more information.

The Updated to field shows when the traffic log was last updated. To see the latest data, click Update Now in the toolbar at the top of the content pane.

If one or more modules fails to provide updated traffic information, an Errors detected link appears above the traffic list. Click this link to open the Traffic Log

Details screen and see the status of all modules, as well as reasons for the update failure.