Backing up the system

Use the Settings > General > Backup page in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to configure Forcepoint DLP system backups.

Be sure to back up your Forcepoint DLP system periodically to safeguard your policies, forensics, configuration data, fingerprints, encryption keys, and more. (See Backup folder contents, for a complete list of the data that is saved.)

To configure backup settings:

  1. Enter a Path for storing the backup files.
    • If you enter a local path, it is local to the management server.
    • Each backup process creates a new sub-folder inside that root folder. The name of each sub-folder is the timestamp when it was created.
  2. If the Forcepoint DLP administrator account doesn’t have write privileges for the specified path, provide credentials for an account that does have the appropriate permissions.
    Field Description
    Domain Enter the domain for the account.
    User name Enter the user name for an administrator account with access to this path.

    Enter the account password. It must:

    • Be at least 8 characters
    • Contain upper case characters
    • Contain lower case characters
    • Contain numbers
    • Contain non-alphanumeric characters
    Confirm password Type the password a second time.
  3. Specify how many backup files to keep (5, by default).
    • Every time you backup the system, the system uses another backup folder.
    • You can have between 1 and 60 backup folders.
    • When the maximum is reached, the system overwrites the oldest folder with the new data.
  4. Indicate whether or not to Include forensics (from the incident database) in the backup.

    The incident database can be quite large, and backing it up requires additional disk space.

  5. Click OK to save the settings.

    To run the backup task, use Windows Task Scheduler as described in Scheduling backups.

    If a backup fails, refer to the CPSBackup.log file in the Forcepoint DLP installation directory.

    Note: The backup process consists of large transactions and you cannot stop a transaction in the middle. You must wait until the process is complete.