Error handling

The following are instructions and recommendations for some of the errors you might encounter:

Error message Details Handling

No CASB policy is defined, or a CASB policy is configured incorrectly.

Enable the CASB policy and select either Download or Upload user action in the CASB portal.

In DLP Cloud Proxy Status column

In the CASB portal do one of the following:

  • Create and enable a Forcepoint Data Security DLP Policy, and select a user action (Upload, Download)
  • Create a custom policy with a Forcepoint DLP predicate, and select a user action (Upload, Download)

Without one of these configurations, no transaction is sent by DLP to data inspection.

For more information, see the Forcepoint CASB documentation.

CASB gateway doesn't exist. Contact Forcepoint support. One of the following issues might have occurred:
  • No CASB Gateway was installed (needed to support DLP Cloud Proxy)
  • CASB license has expired, and the CASB Gateway was therefore removed.
Contact Forcepoint Technical Support.