Cryptography Formats

File Format Detection Content Extraction Meta Data Extraction
ASCII-armored PGP encoded Y N N
ASCII-armored PGP signed Y N N
ASCII-armored Public Keyring Y N N
Ax Crypt encrypted document Y N N
Encrypted 7-Zip File Y N N
Encrypted Access Database files (Legacy) Y N N
Encrypted B1 File Y N N
Encrypted Excel Binary Files (Legacy) Y N N
Encrypted files of unknown format Y N N
Encrypted PowerPoint Binary Files (Legacy) Y N N
Encrypted RAR5 File Y N N
Encrypted Word Binary Files (Legacy) Y N N
Kryptel encrypted file Y N N
Microsoft Office Encrypted Files (OOXML) Y N N
Nero Encrypted File Y N N
Open PGP (new format packets) Y N N
PDF Encrypted format Y N N
PGP Compressed Data Y N N
PGP Encrypted Data Y N N
PGP Public Keyring Y N N
PGP Secret Keyring Y N N
PGP Signature Certificate Y N N
PGP Signed and Encrypted Data Y N N
PGP Signed Data Y N N
PKCS #7 cryptographic format Y N N
RAR Encrypted Format Y N N
File Format Detection Content Extraction Meta Data Extraction
Symantec PGP NetShare encrypted file Y N N
ZIP encrypted format Y N N