STEP 4: Set the NIC for management server and SSH connections

A list of available network interfaces (NICs) appears. In this step, choose the NIC for use by the management server, SSH connections, and logging onto the protector (eth0 by default). All other NICs will be used for intercepting traffic.

To help identify which NIC to use, the wizard can simulate traffic for 0-60 seconds and cause LEDs to blink on the selected interface. This does not work for all hardware and drivers.


  1. When prompted, choose the NIC index number of the management NIC, or accept the default interface.
  2. Enter a number 0-60 to indicate how long (in seconds) to simulate traffic, or press Enter to skip this step.
  3. Enter the IP address of the NIC to use. The default is
  4. Enter the IP prefix of this NIC. This is the subnet mask in abbreviated format (number of bits in the subnet mask). The default is 24 (
  5. Enter a broadcast address for the NIC. The installation wizard will provide a calculated value, which is normally correct.
  6. Enter the IP address of the default gateway to be used to access the network. If the IP address of the Forcepoint DLP server is not on the same subnet as the protector, a default gateway is required to tell the protector how to communicate with the Forcepoint DLP server.