Company Confidential and Intellectual Property (IP)

The following predefined policies are available for the detection of company confidential or intellectual property data:

  • Bids and Tenders

    Policy for detecting bids, proposals, and tenders, such as responses to request for proposal (RFP) and invitation for bids (IFB) documents.

    • Bids and Tenders (Wide)
    • Bids and Tenders (Default)
    • Bids and Tenders (Narrow)
  • Business and Technical Drawing Files

    Policy for detection of business and technical drawing file types. The rules for this policy are:

    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: Abaqus ODB File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: Autodesk Design Web File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: Autodesk Maya Binary File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: Autodesk Maya Textual File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: Catia File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: Corel Draw File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: DWG File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: DXF Binary File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: DXF Textual File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: IGS Textual File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: JT File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: Microsoft Visio File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: Nastran OP2 File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: PTC Creo ASM File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: PTC Creo DRW File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: PTC Creo FRM File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: PTC Creo PRT File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: Siemens NX PRT File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: SolidWorks File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: STL Binary File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: STL Textual File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: STP File
    • Business and Technical Drawing Files: WHIP File
      • Business and Technical Drawing Files: X_T Textual File
  • Confidential Warning
    Policy for detection of sensitive text in the header or footer of a document. The rules for this policy are:
    • Confidential in Header or Footer
    • Key Phrases in Header or Footer
    • Dictionary Phrases in Header or Footer
    • Proprietary in Header or Footer
  • Confidential Warning (Arabic)

    The policy detect secret or confidential documents by identifying “confidential” terms in English or Arabic, such as “Confidential” or “ﺮﻱ---ﺳ “, in the Header or the Footer of Office documents. The rule for this policy is:

    • Confidential Arabic in Header or Footer
  • Digitally Signed PDF Files

    Policy for detection of digitally signed PDF files. The rule for this policy is:

    • Digitally Signed PDF File (Native)
  • Energy

    Policies for detection of sensitive data in the Oil and Gas industry and, in particular, information pertaining to oil prospecting and drilling.

    • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information

      Detect leakage of sensitive data in the Oil and Gas industry and, in particular, information pertaining to oil prospecting and drilling. The rules for this policy are:

      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: CAD Files: DWG File
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: CAD Files: DXF Binary File
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: CAD Files: DXF Textual File
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: CAD Files: IGS Textual File
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: CAD Files: JT File
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: CAD Files: PTC Creo ASM File
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: CAD Files: PTC Creo DRW File
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: CAD Files: PTC Creo FRM File
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: CAD Files: PTC Creo PRT File
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: CAD Files: SolidWorks File
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: CAD Files: STL Binary File
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: CAD Files: STL Textual File
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: CAD Files: STP File
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: CAD Files: WHIP File
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: CAD Files: X_T Textual File
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: Disclaimer
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: Form 567
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: Form 715
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: Latitude-Longitude Location Coordinates
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: Logs and Survey Reports
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: Microsoft Visio
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: Petroleum File Extension
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: Pipeline Flow Diagram
      • Petroleum and Gas-Sensitive Information: Prospecting Related Term
    • Smart Power Grids / SCADA

      Policy for promoting protection of sensitive information pertaining smart power grids and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. The rules for this policy are:

      • Smart Power Grids: Confidential in Header or Footer
      • Smart Power Grids: Proprietary in Header or Footer
      • Smart Power Grids: C++ (Wide)
      • Smart Power Grids: C++ (Default)
      • Smart Power Grids: Java (Wide)
      • Smart Power Grids: Java (Default)
      • Smart Power Grids: Kotlin (Wide)
      • Smart Power Grids: Kotlin (Default)
      • Smart Power Grids: Swift (Wide)
      • Smart Power Grids: Swift (Default)
      • Smart Power Grids: Software Design Documents with SCADA terms
      • Smart Power Grids: CAD Files: STL Textual File
      • Smart Power Grids: CAD Files: STL Binary File
      • Smart Power Grids: CAD Files: STP File
      • Smart Power Grids: CAD Files: IGS text Format
      • Smart Power Grids: CAD Files: X_T text Format
      • Smart Power Grids: Executable or Link Library
      • Smart Power Grids: Microsoft Visio File
      • Smart Power Grids: Python (Default)
      • Smart Power Grids: Python (Wide)
      • Smart Power Grids: XML with SCADA terms
      • Smart Power Grids: Spreadsheets with SCADA terms
  • License Keys

    Policy to identify Microsoft license keys. The policy helps mitigate software piracy and unauthorized usage of corporate assets. The rule for this policy is:

    • Microsoft license keys
  • Media

    Policies for detection of sensitive data in the Media industry.

    • Movie manuscripts

      Policy for detection of movie and TV scripts dissemination. The rule for this policy is:

      • Movie and TV Manuscripts
  • Mergers and acquisitions

    Policy for detection of information suspected to be related to mergers and acquisitions. The rules for this policy are:

    • Mergers and Acquisitions information
    • Mergers and Acquisitions information (narrow)
  • Mergers and Acquisitions for Discovery

    Policy for detection of information suspected to be related to mergers and acquisitions. The rule for this policy is:

    • Mergers and Acquisitions information
  • Network Security Information

    Policy for detection of network security documents and network diagrams. This policy detects network diagrams by searching for IP addresses, MAC addresses and various terms common to such documents. In order to achieve complete coverage, first 2 rules and one of the MAC address rules must be selected. The rules for this policy are:

    • Network Information and Security
    • Network Information and Security
    • AWS Access Key ID (Wide)
    • AWS Access Key ID (Default)
    • MAC Addresses (Wide)
    • MAC Addresses (Default)
    • MAC Addresses (narrow)
  • Patents

    Policy for detection of patents and patent applications. The rule for this policy is:

    • Patents detection
  • Project Documents

    Policy for detection of project document in traffic. This may cause false positives. The rule for this policy is:

    • Project Document
  • Security Software Files

    Policy for detection of security software files. The rule for this policy is:

    • Security Software Files: Splunk Enterprise Security Event Log
  • Software Source Code and Design

    Policies for detection of source codes and software design documents.

    • Software Design Documents

      Policy for detection of software design documents in traffic. The rules for this policy are:

      • Software Design Documents
    • Software Source Code

      Policy for detection of software source code. The rule for this policy is:

      • Software Source Code: C++ (Wide)
      • Software Source Code: C++ (Default)
      • Software Source Code: F# Source (By content)
      • Software Source Code: F# Source (By file extension)
      • Software Source Code: Git Packfile
      • Software Source Code: Java (Wide)
      • Software Source Code: Java (Default)
      • Software Source Code: Kotlin (Wide)
      • Software Source Code: Kotlin (Default)
      • Software Source Code: Perl Source (By content)
      • Software Source Code: Perl Source (By file extension)
      • Software Source Code: Python (Default)
      • Software Source Code: Python (Wide)
      • Software Source Code: Swift (Wide)
      • Software Source Code: Swift (Default)
      • Software Source Code: x86 Assembly Source Code
    • SPICE Source Code

      Policy for detection of integrated circuits design source code in SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuits Emphasis). This may cause false positives. the rules for this policy are:

      • SPICE Source code (Berkeley version)
      • SPICE Source code
    • SQL Queries Detection

      Policy for detection of SQL and Oracle queries and database. This may cause false positives. the rules for this policy are:

      • SQL Detection (Wide)
      • SQL Detection (Default)
      • SQL Detection (Narrow)
    • Verilog Source Code

      Policy for detection of Verilog source code dissemination. This policy is comprised of 2 rules, each covering a different aspect of the detected texts. In order to achieve complete coverage, all rules must be selected. This may cause false positives. The rules for this policy are:

      • Verilog Source code 1
      • Verilog Source code 2
    • VHDL Source Code

      Policy for detection of source code dissemination in VHDL, used mainly for hardware design. This may cause false positives. The rule for this policy is:

      • VHDL Source Code
    • Visual Basic Source Code

      Policy for detection of Visual Basic source code. This may produce a false positive. The rules for this policy are:

      • Visual Basic Source Code (Wide)
      • Visual Basic Source Code (Default)
      • Visual Basic Source Code (Narrow)
  • Strategic Business Documents

    Policy for detection of documents of prime strategic value, such as business and marketing plans. The rule for this policy is:

    • Strategic Business Documents (Wide)
    • Strategic Business Documents (Narrow)
    • Strategic Business Documents (Default)
  • Telecom

    Policies for detection of sensitive data in the Telecom industry.

    • Call Detail Record

      Policy for detection of Call Detail Records (CDRs) in traffic. The rule for this policy is:

      • CDR: Suspected Call details rows
      • CDR: Suspected Call details headers
    • IMEI

      Policy for detection of serial (IMEI) numbers of cell phones. The International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) is a number unique to every GSM and UMTS and iDEN mobile phone as well as some satellite phones. It is usually found printed on the phone underneath the battery. The rule for this policy is:

      • IMEI: Wide
      • IMEI: Default
    • Location Coordinates

      Policy for detection of location coordinates. The rule for this policy is:

      • Latitude-Longitude Location Coordinates
      • UTM Location Coordinates