Viewing and updating URL categories

Viewing and updating URL categories (Policy Management > Resources > URL Categories) is different depending on whether you imported the categories using Linking Service or from Forcepoint Web Security Cloud, using an XML file.

For example, if the categories were uploaded using Linking Service, there is an Update Now button at the top of the screen that imports an updated list of categories from the cloud. If you perform an update, and categories you use in your rules have been deleted, they do not automatically disappear from your system, but they will no longer be analyzed. In this case, an alert is displayed, recommending that you manually delete the URL categories from destination tab of the rules.

The time and date of the last update is displayed, as well as the name of the administrator who performed the update.

If you imported the URL categories from Forcepoint Web Security Cloud, there is no update button. A tooltip in the time and date of the last update includes an instruction that updates can be performed using the XML import method.

URL categories imported from Forcepoint Web Security Cloud are also indicated as either predefined or custom categories.