Start SMC servers

If the Log Server or Web Portal Server does not start automatically, you must manually start them.

If a server has been installed as a service, the server starts automatically during the operating system boot process. If the operating system is restarted and the servers do not yet have a license, you might need to start them manually.


  1. Start the Log Server or the optional Web Portal Server.
    • If you installed the server as a service in Windows, start or stop the server through the Services window.
    • You can also run a script from the <installation directory>/bin/ directory in a console window.
      Server type Windows script Linux script
      Log Server sgStartLogSrv.bat
      Web Portal Server sgStartWebPortalServer.bat

      Read the console messages for information about the progress. Closing the console stops the service.

  2. If the Log Server or Web Portal Server does not start, troubleshoot and resolve issues that cause starting to fail.
    • Try starting the server by running scripts in a console window to see if an error is displayed on the console.
    • Check that licenses are correctly bound to components.
    • Make sure that the server has a valid certificate for secure system communications. If there are certificate-related problems or problems you are not able to identify, try regenerating the certificate.